What does 2020 hold for Instagram Influencers in the Benelux ?
Influencer landscape and fraud problem in Belgium, the Nederlands and Luxembourg.
Stellar and HypeAuditor have joined forces to provide the most current Instagram influencer insights and benchmarks in the Benelux region. Curious ? Simply fill in your data below and your report will be on its way.
This Instagram Influencer landscape report : is for you if you want to
- Acquire in-depth knowledge about the Benelux influencer market
- Leverage statistical data for the foundation of your influencer marketing strategy
- Learn more about influencer profiles in all three countries
- Dive into the world of influencer fraud and how to avoid it

Brought to you by :

Hype Auditor
is an AI-powered Instagram analytics tool giving insights about the creator’s audience and safeguard authenticity in influencer marketing. It sets a standard for Instagram audience analytics by providing the most accurate data.

is a leading Influencer Marketing company offering services and a powerful SaaS platform to find the right influencers, manage collaborations and analyse any audiences and campaigns.